What Are the Rules for Medicaid Qualification (Part 6)? - Options
Jan 23, 2017
What Are the Rules for Medicaid Qualification (Part 6)? - Some Simple Planning Options
Below are possible options to keep in mind when considering Medicaid planning. As in part five of our series, your Medicaid planning advisor can best help you determine how the rules apply to your specific circumstances in your specific locality. Before you get into the specifics, however, it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the general federal guidelines for Medicaid qualification that apply everywhere.
Let's Continue...
- If you are married, your home is exempt and cannot be taken if one spouse applies for Medicaid. If you are single or widowed, up to $636,000 of equity in your home is exempt (many states have raised the limit even higher). Some states permit a “Homestead Exemption” which protects a married or single applicant’s home regardless of value. Transferring your home to your children will result in immediate ineligibility for Medicaid. (2022)
- A nursing home or hospital that offers to file a Medicaid application for you has no obligation (and often is unable) to advise you on how to protect your assets. Only a qualified Medicaid planning attorney can provide you with the options you need to make an informed decision.
- Long-term care insurance should always be considered. An annual premium for a couple is usually less expensive than one month of nursing home care, and when incorporated with proper planning it may also enable you to stay home if you become ill.
Give yourself the best opportunity to qualify for Medicaid coverage. Check back, for additional information, as we complete our series - What Are the Rules for Medicaid Qualification? To start at the beginning of our series, click here.
Learn more about applying for medicaid in Michigan. Read our latest blog post.
The Cost of Long Term Care Means That Medicaid Can Apply to You, Even if You Currently Believe It Doesn’t.
Questions? Contact us, we can help. (248) 278-1511
This article, in our series regarding Medicaid qualification rules, by Michigan lawyer Nicole Wipp and the Family & Aging Law Center PLLC is not, and should not be construed as, legal advice. It is for general informational purposes only. To better understand how this legal concept can be applied to you, consult with an attorney.